Are battery electric vehicles always the greener choice?
Your country’s energy mix – Is it ready for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEVs)? BEVs are often presented in the webpages of car manufacturers and government agencies that regulate the road transport sector as being a “zero-emission” solution relative to internal combustion engines. But this is not entirely true.
In a series of 3 articles we provide a wider perspective, giving clarity and important insights.
- Part 1: We demonstrate that BEVs might not be as green as you think.
- Part 2: By considering geography and mileage, we directly compared the lifetime emissions of popular BEVs with their petrol equivalents.
- Part 3: We focused on the beginning and the end of the BEV lifecycle, from extraction of critical elements, combined with complex manufacturing processes required for production, to what happens once the vehicles are taken off the road.